Owlet One
Owlet One
Owlet One
Owlet One
Owlet One
Owlet One


Owlet One

Sale price$2,444.00

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Unconventional  |  Minimalistic  |  Quiet


  • sustainable & affordable
  • comfortable & experiential
  • fast yet quiet


Designed and assembled in California high quality and unique design
sustainable materials and minimalistic look cost effective
light-weight and compact, foldable footrests can be stored in car trunk or at home
direct drive motor driven by sinusoidal motor controller smooth and silent ride, service free and reliable operation
universal fat bike tires 20” x 4

silent and smooth ride, great city and off-road performance

unique second (front) footrests


comfortable posture and leg stretching while riding, new sensations

powerful 750W / 1500W peak motor

great acceleration and hill climb performance = engaging ‘fly-away’ feel

1200Wh battery capacity provides great range up to 45 miles (75km)

uninterrupted rides, less frequent charging

convenient low seating height and unique frame geometry

greater feel of speed, comfortable starting/stopping and getting on/off

stylish and comfortable springing seat

long tiredless rides, feel the road in a different way

powerful 30W led headlights

night riding safety

hydraulic disc brakes reliable and responsive braking performance
fully assembled out of the box convenience
No need for driving license, registration, insurance grab and go riding